Conscious Entrepreneurship

Building a greener future, one venture at a time.

An impact-first consultancy dedicated to supporting climate and sustainability startups and initiatives.

We believe in the power of innovative businesses to create a positive impact on the planet.

Our mission is to equip these startups with the tools and resources they need to succeed and make a real difference.

We focus on two United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals — SDG13: Climate Action and SDG 17: Partnership for the Goals.

Shape the Future You Envision

MSMEs & Startups

Craft Your Sustainable Strategy

Gain market & industry intelligence to develop a winning plan for your sustainable business. Amplify your impact story and build meaningful partnerships to propel your growth.

Sustainability Experts

Become a Sustainability Leader

Share your voice, elevate your brand, and reach a wider audience through our platform.


Achieve Your CSR and Sustainability Goals

Make a lasting impact. Partner with innovative startups and access expert consulting in sustainability, climate action, and mindful corporate gifting. Together, we’ll drive positive change and a greener future.


Navigate Your Sustainability Career

Get personalised guidance and explore mindful living practices.